World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen's bio on his Facebook page states he is an "athlete". However, Norway's National Athletics Federation disagrees and has not included him in the nominations for 'Norway’s Best Male Athlete of the Year' poll.
Norway's annual sports gala takes place January 4, 2014 and has the World Chess Champion nominated in other categories: Årets navn (The Name of the Year) and Åpen klasse (Open class).
The World Chess Champion, on his part, is happy with the nominations and “understands that he can’t be nominated as male athlete of the year” in Norway, according to his manager Espen Agdestein who spoke to NRK. Agdestein told NRK, "He thinks it’s nice to be nominated for the two titles at the gala."
Aftenpost quotes former World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov as saying, "Carlsen is a victim of stupid prejudices”. Kasparov feels, "If we had a prize for the best athlete in the world, I think he would have won.” Kasparov said Magnus Carlsen was “bigger than Norway’ with an important role that extends far beyond Norway’s borders.
The Norwegian Chess Federation (Norges Sjakkforbund) is not a part of the National Athletics Federation which, technically seems is a logical reason for disallowing World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen, or any other chess player in Norway, from being nominated.
Magnus Carlsen fans took to social media sites to vent their anger these last few days on his exclusion from the nomination for the title. -- Team Chess Mag B&W